!Mobility\nEnvisioned adversary is ''mobile''. It can compromise a subset of sensor within a particular time interval. \nWhile it occupies a given node, it can read, and possibly write to, the compromised node's storage and any of its communication interfaces. \nIn the next interval, it is capable of migrating to a different subset of sensor. Given enough time intervals, the adversary can compromise the whole network.\n\n!Goals:\nA UWSN adversary can have different goal. We list a few of them:\n\n!!!!Curious\nIts goal is to learn as much sensed data as possible, compromising sensor and reading their storage.\n!!!!Polluter\nIts goal is to mislead or confuse the sink by introducing fraudulent data into the network. \n!!!!Eraser\nThis adversary aims to indiscriminately erase as much sensed data as possible.\n!!!!~Search-and-Read\nThis adversary is focused on learning certain selected sensor measurements that represent critical or high-value data.\n!!!!~Search-and-Erase\nIts goal is to prevent certain target data from reaching the sink. \n!!!!~Search-and-Replace\nThis adversary aims at replacing certain target data with a concocted value before the sink approaches the network to collect sensed data \n\n!Visibility\nThe adversary could choose as a secondary goal, whether to be visible to the sink or not. An Eraser adversary deleting data from sensor storage will be easily spotted by the sink; on the other side, the sink might not learn if a Search-and-Replace adversary has ever attacked the network.\n\n!Reactivity\nWe distinguish between a proactive adversary and a reactive one. The former starts node compromise as soon as the sink leaves the network; the latter waits for a trigger event.\n\n
''Main Menu''\n----\n[[UWSNs|UWSNs]]\n[[Adversary|Adversary]]\n[[Publications|Publications]]\n[[Presentations|Presentations]]\n\n
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[[Self-Defense in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs)|./presentations/sss_poster.pdf]] @ SSS 2008\n\n[[DISH|./presentations/sss_slides.pdf]] @ SSS 2008\n\n[[POSH|./presentations/srds08.pdf]] @ IEEE SRDS 2008\n\n[[Practical Forward Secure Aggregate Signatures|./presentations/asiaccs08_slides.pdf]] @ ACM ~AsiaCCS 2008\n\n[[Security in UWSNs|./presentations/asiaccs08.pdf]] @ ACM ~AsiaCCS 2008\n\n[[Catch Me (If You Can)|./presentations/percom08.pdf]] @ IEEE ~PerCom 2008\n\n[[FSS-AGG|./presentations/sp07_slides.pdf]] @ IEEE S&P 2007\n
[[Securing Mobile Unattended WSNs against a mobile adversary|]]\nThe 29th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2010, New Delhi, India, November 1-3, 2010. To appear.\n\n[[Security and Privacy in Emerging Wireless Networks|./publications/ewgwn-final.pdf]]\nIEEE Wireless Communications, Special Issue on Security and Privacy in Emerging Wireless Networks\n\n[[IRRES: Intrusion Resilient Remote Email Storage|./publications/irres-final.pdf]]\nFirst ICDCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing.\n\n[[Intrusion-Resilience in Mobile Unattended WSNs|./publications/infocom10.pdf]]\nThe 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, California, March 15-19, 2010.\n\n[[Data Security in Unattended Sensor Networks|./publications/toc09.PDF]]\nIEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 50, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 1500-1511.\n\n[[New Adversary and New Threats: Security in Unattended Sensor Networks|./publications/network09.PDF]]\nIEEE Network, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 43-48.\n\n[[Playing Hide-and-Seek with a Focused Mobile Adversary in Unattended Sensor Networks|./publications/adhoc09.PDF]] \nAd Hoc Networks, Volume 7, Issue 8, November 2009, Pages 1463-1475.\n\n[[Collaborative Authentication in Unattended Sensor Networks|./publications/wisec09.PDF]]\nThe Second ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security, WISEC 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, March 16-19, 2009, Pages 237-244.\n\n[[DISH: Distributed Self-Healing in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks|./publications/sss08.PDF]]\nThe Tenth International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, SSS 2008, Detroit, MI, USA, November 21-23, 2008, Pages 47-72. [[Full version|./publications/sss08-full.pdf]].\n\n[[Self-Defense in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks|./publications/sss08-poster.pdf]] (poster)\nThe Tenth International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, SSS 2008, Detroit, MI, USA, November 21-23, 2008.\n\n[[POSH: Proactive co-Operative Self-Healing in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks|./publications/srds08.PDF]]\nThe Twenty-seventh IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2008, Napoli, Italy, October 6-8, 2008, Pages 185-194.\n\n[[Catch Me (If You Can): Data Survival in Unattended Sensor Networks|./publications/percom08.PDF]]\nThe Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008, Hong Kong, March 17-21 , 2008, Pages 185-194.\n\n[[Practical Forward Secure Aggregate Signatures|./publications/asiaccs08.PDF]] \nThe 2008 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS 2008, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2008, Pages 341-352.\n\n[[Confronting a mobile adversary in unattended sensor networks|./publications/asiaccs08gts.PDF]]\nThe 2008 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS 2008, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2008, Pages 1.\n \n[[Forward-secure Sequential Aggregate Authentication|./publications/sp07.PDF]]\nThe 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, S&P 2007, Oakland, CA, USA, May 20-23, 2007, Pages 86-91.\n\n
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Security in Unattended Wireless Sensor Netoworks
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''//Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks//'' (UWSNs) refer to the category of wireless sensor networks that operate without an on-line data collection entity. \n\nIn a UWSN the sink visits the network with irregular and even unpredictable frequency. Consequently, each sensor must retain its data (measurements) for a considerable time. \n\nIntervals between successive sink visits represent periods of vulnerability and incentive attacks. This web page provides an overview of UWSNs, a model for a new [[Adversary]] and proposes solutions to address its security issues.\n\n\n<html>\n<div align=center>\n<img src="UWSNs.jpg" width=600 height=362 alt="UWSN splash"> \n</div>\n</html>\n
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